Photovoltaics - Solar Line

Photovoltaics - Solar Line



Technological fundamentals of solar cells


ET 252 Solar cell measurements

The ET 252 trainer enables the fundamental relationships of photovoltaics in carefully thought out experiments.


  • adjustable lighting unit
  • 4 monocrystalline silicon solar cells: selectable types of connection via patch panel
  • regulated Peltier cooling element for temperature control of the solar cells
  • recording of current-voltage characteristics


» About the product

Patch panel

  • front and back contacts routed out for each solar cell
  • integration of bypass diodes

Peltier cooling element

ET252 Peltier
  • precise temperature control with selectable set temperature
  • heating up to max. 60°C

GUNT software

ET252 Software
  • data acquisition, display of operating status and tutorial feature
  • manual or automated measurement of current-voltage curves


Correctly installing photovoltaic modules

ET 250 Photovoltaic modules measurements

With the ET 250 trainer, all key aspects in the operation of photovoltaic modules can be practically demonstrated.


  • two modules, connected either in series or in parallel
  • tilt angle of the modules individually adjustable
  • measuring unit for displaying relevant measured values


» About the product

For laboratory experiments under uniform light conditions, we recommend our » artificial light source HL 313.01.


ET25001 0

ET 250.01 Photovoltaic in grid-connected operation

ET 250.01 as an extension module for ET 250 contains practical components from the field of photovoltaics, which are needed to use the solar electricity when connected to a public grid.


Module photovoltaic modules from ET 250
circuit breaker and overvoltage protection
Wechselrichter line-commutated inverter with maximum power point tracking
Zweirichtungsstromzahler modern bidirectional electricity meter
Energiezahler electricity meter own consumption
Lampe halogen lamp with dimmer for experiments under varying electrical load
Netzanschluss grid feed


» About the product 


ET 250.02 Stand-alone operation of photovoltaic modules

ET 250.02 as an extension module allows to teach key aspects of solar electricity use in stand-alone systems.


Module photovoltaic modules from ET 250
circuit breaker and overvoltage protection
Laderegler charge controller with maximum power point tracking
Akkumulator lead-acid gel accumulator, maintenance-free
Wechselrichter simple inverter
Energiezahler electricity meter own consumption
Lampe halogen lamp with dimmer for experiments under varying electrical load


» About the product 




Investigation and simulation of systems

Connected components of a modern solar electricity system with ET 255

To enable advanced experiments with current components from photovoltaic practice, GUNT offers a system consisting of coordinated experimental components.


  • supply- and demand-controlled consumption with changing grid availability
  • optimised self-consumption through storage utilisation with energy management system
  • operation with real photovoltaic modules ET 255.02 or a photovoltaic simulator ET 255.01
  • integration of two controllable electrical consumers ET 255.03



ET 255.01 Photovoltaic simulator

The ET 255.01 device is used to simulate the current and voltage characteristics of photovoltaic module

  • programmable DC power supply unit with remote control
  • time-controlled specification of generation profiles
» About the product



ET 255.02 Photovoltaic modules

ET 255.02 is intended as a solar electricity source and contains four photovoltaic modules.

  • mobile pivoting frame, adjustable angle of inclination
  • measurement of illuminance and module temperature
» About the product
ET 255 Operating options for modular solar electricity systems

The ET 255 trainer contains networked components of a solar electricity system such as an MPP charge controller, an accumulator, a grid inverter and a bidirectional electricity meter as well as an energy management system (EMS).

circuit breaker and overvoltage protection
Laderegler charge controller with module for power optimisation (MPP tracker)
Batterie LiFePO accumulator with battery management system
Wechselrichter grid inverter for grid feed-in and stand-alone operation
Zweirichtungsstromzahler bidirectional electricity meter with communication interface
Netzanschluss grid connection
» About the product
ET 255.03 Consumers in solar electricity systems

ET 255.03 contains two controllable electrical consumers.

  • two wire-wound tubular fixed resistors with different power consumption
  • energy management systems for optimising self-consumption
  • prioritisation of electrical consumers
  • time-controlled specification of consumption profiles
» About the product
Control and operation
  • central communication and control unit (CCU)
  • GUNT software used as HMI
    • visualisation of measured values and storage
    • specification of generation and consumption profiles with simulator ET 255.01 and consumers ET 255.03
    • network capability: observe, acquire, analyse experiments at any number of workstations with GUNT software via the customer‘s own LAN/WLAN network
  • alternatively, integrated touch screen for operation and display of measured values



Solar cooling

ET 256 Cooling with solar electricity

The ET 256 experimental unit contains a refrigeration chamber that is cooled by a typical compression refrigeration circuit. As a special feature, via a control unit, it is possible to supply the reciprocating compressor directly with electricity from the photovoltaic modules of ET 250 or ET 255.02. Alternatively, the unit can be supplied with power via the ET 256.01 Laboratory power supply unit.


  • long cooling time due to cold accumulators and insulation
  • control unit for temperature-controlled compressor operation
  • network capable GUNT software for controlling and balancing energy flows


» About the product






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