News from GUNT

News from GUNT


Cards TVET 380x240

Technical and Vocational Education and Training

At GUNT, we have made skills development in vocational training our most important task. While theoretical knowledge lays the foundation, we are strong advocates for a hands-on approach.

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PV Cards Newsseite 380x240Photovoltaics as a sustainable energy supply
  • components of modern systems for photovoltaic utilisation
  • physical characteristics of solar cells and photovoltaic modules under different conditions
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GUNT DigiSkills 4

Energy efficiency in compressed air systems
  • components, their function and interaction
  • identify and analyse potentials for savings
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All news at a glance

News Cards Navigation TVET


Technical and Vocational Education and Training

PV Modul 800x600


as a sustainable energy supply

HM15021 zwei Studenten


Digital media in fluid mechanics

GUNT DigiSkills 4

Energy efficiency in compressed air systems


GUNT DigiSkills 5

Robotics and automation

GUNT Cold Play

Refrigeration and air conditioning technology – incl. heat pump

News Cards Navigation AR

Augmented Reality

The additional digital layer

News Cards Navigation DigiSkills2

GUNT DigiSkills 1

Engineering drawing – Technical communication


MEC Line

Engineering mechanics with SE 200

News Cards Navigation WL110

Heat transfer

Digital & practical with WL 110

News Cards Navigation DigiSkills2

GUNT DigiSkills 2

Dimensional metrology

News Cards Navigation Shortform

New catalogues

Download of the new catalogues

News Cards Navigation DigiSkills3

GUNT DigiSkills 3

Teaching digital skills with complex learning projects

News Cards Navigation Solarthermie

Solar thermal energy

Use of a natural resource


Wind power

Technology with a future


Upgrade Web Access Box

For previously purchased GUNT devices

Remote slide

Remote learning

With network capable devices


Thermal process engineering

Rectification remote and digital

RT slide

Control engineering

Basic to challenging

HM250 web

GUNT Fluid Line

Fundamentals of fluid mechanics

thermoline web


Fundamentals of heat transfer


Assembly projects

Digital & innovative



in the area of operation & maintenance services


Logos TVET GUNT 160x160 MitRand  At GUNT, we have made skills development in vocational training our most important task. While theoretical knowledge lays the foundation, we are strong advocates for a hands-on approach.

Operation & maintenance services showing the highest demand of skilled workforce in most of the industrial sectors nearly everywhere. GUNT can offer you nearly everything to cover the various learning areas of the curriculum in the area of operation & maintenance services.


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Photovoltaics - Using solar electricity efficiently


PV Modul 800x600

The advantages of converting light directly into electricity are well known: solar electricity contributes to protecting the environment, reduces the cost of electricity transmission and provides an independent and affordable energy supply. The devices from GUNT offer extensive experiments on the topics of photovoltaic utilisation:


  • technological fundamentals of solar cells
  • correctly installing photovoltaic modules
  • investigation and simulation of systems
  • solar cooling



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HM 150 digital

Real experiments – digital media


The HM 150 series offers a varied experimental cross-section in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The digital teaching-learning concept offers an interaction between real experiments and digital teaching.


The GUNT Science Media Center provides videos to support students in preparing, executing and evaluating experiments. Prepared CFD simulations help to understand the flow behaviour.


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GUNT DigiSkills 4 - Energy efficiency in compressed air systems


News KT Beitrag

The topic Energy efficiency in compressed air systems of the DigiSkills 4 learning project deals with these potential savings. The didactic concept includes familiarisation with the components and learning how they work and interact. Potential savings are identified and analysed in order to achieve energy-saving operation and to create an appropriate design of compressed air systems.


 DigiSkills 4


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GUNT DigiSkills 5 - Robotics and automation


Automated process in quality inspection


Cobots are used in fields such as machine loading and quality inspection. Their use is based on process automation. The DigiSkills 5 learning project sets out to automate processes for a mechanical testing procedure. Automation is explained step by step and underpinned with practical tasks, instructions and information.


 DigiSkills 5


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GUNT Cold Play

game-based learning for a successful learning experience


News KT Beitrag

From teaching to learning
with game-based learning to kindle the desire to play and increase motivation to learn.  Our concept of hardware and digital features for gamified learning:

  • combination of simulation and realworld conditions
  • run competitions with our online accessible media
  • solve assessments and tasks online, independent of time and place
  • videos, animations and augmented reality experiences that enable visual learning and intuitive, playful use of the equipment

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Augmented reality

Enhance your technical lessons with augmented reality


News AR Beitrag

Augmented reality creates an additional digital layer that has a tangible added value compared to purely analogue or purely digital content.
Other media cannot create a comparable learning space in this form.



Symbol AR

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GUNT DigiSkills 1 - Engineering drawing


Engineering drawing – Technical communication digital

This learning project provides an introduction to engineering drawing and the many variants of technical communication. The fundamental basis for spatial imagination is formed by our geometric models. The functional models help you to take the first steps towards technological functions and interrelationships. Digitally supported by access to extensive, digital teaching material in the GUNT Media Center.


SkillLevel 1

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SE 200  Ι  MEC Line

Engineering mechanics - digital & smart



The GUNT MEC Line intuitively combines mechanical experiments with digital teaching methods. Smart components used in experimental setups are equipped with electronic modules for data acquisition and measured value display. The components are connected wirelessly via a click system.


SE 200 MEC - Frame digital & intelligent

SE 200.01 MEC - Forces in trusses

SE 200.02 MEC - Forces on a suspension bridge

SE 200.05 MEC - Cable forces and pulley blocks


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GUNT DigiSkills 2 - Dimensional metrology


Prozess Übersicht

Dimensional metrology as a main element of quality inspection can be found in all curricula of a wide variety of metalworking professions. In addition to versatile learning objectives of dimensional metrology, comprehensive digital skills are developed with GUNT DigiSkills 2. The learning project includes six didactically related practice kits.


Dimensional metrology, basics

» PT 102 Spacer plate

» PT 104 Angle piece

» PT 105 Shaft

» PT 109 Hub


Dimensional metrology, industrial level

» PT 107 Flange housing

» PT 108 Output shaft


SkillLevel 2

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Heat transfer with the WL 110 series


WL110 Basismodul

Digital & practical

The WL 110 series provides a complete course for the investigation of different heat exchangers. The digital teaching-learning concept offers an interaction between real experiments and digital teaching with experiment preparation, execution and evaluation. The WL 110 supply unit provides the basic supply in each case. Different types of heat exchangers are available as optional accessories.


» WL 110 Heat exchanger supply unit

» WL 110.01 Tubular heat exchanger

» WL 110.02 Plate heat exchanger

» WL 110.03 Shell & tube heat exchanger

» WL 110.04 Stirred tank with double jacket and coil

» WL 110.05 Finned tube heat exchanger


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New catalogues



Entire programme

GUNT offers more than 500 devices for hands-on teaching engineering. Our new » catalogue provides a quick overview of all the devices - clearly structured by product range. All devices can be quickly accessed via the integrated navigation. Further information on our devices is available via direct links in the PDF.


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GUNT DigiSkills 3 - Preventive maintenance

Prozess Übersicht

Nowadays, production plants have a 24/7 availability. Predictive maintenance enables this continuous operation.

Condition monitoring of critical components is part of the concept of predictive maintenance. The time of maintenance or replacement is thus defined. This learning project is based on » MT 174 Sorting plant including real operation processes.


SkillLevel 3

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Solar thermal energy



Use of solar thermal energy with GUNT devices

Solar energy as a natural resource holds enormous potential. The annual solar energy irradiated onto the continents is about 5,000 times the global demand for primary energy. GUNT optimally supports the education of specialists towards utilising this potential in the future.


Fundamentals of solar thermal energy use

» ET 202 Principles of solar thermal energy

» ET 202.01 Parabolic trough collector


Concentrating solar thermal energy

» ET 203 Tracking parabolic trough collector


Solar thermal energy for domestic water heating

» HL 313 Flat collector

» HL 314 Vacuum tube collector

» HL 320 Modular system


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Wind power - technology with a future

The utility of modern wind turbines is as varied as the theoretical principles required for their development. With GUNT, all subject areas - energy generation from wind power, plant control, aerodynamics, gear technology, machine monitoring - can be deepened in theory and practice.


Practical laboratory experiments are completed by a free » E‑Learning course.



Upgrade Web Access Box

For an optimal upgrade of your existing GUNT device for remote Learning, GUNT offers the » Web Access Box GU 100 as an optional accessory. The Web Access Box is easily connected to the existing GUNT device via USB. Different end devices with web browsers can be used for tracking and evaluating the experiments.


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Remote learning with GUNT


Network capable GUNT devices

A large number of GUNT devices are equipped with digital features that enable learning and teaching at a distance. Such features include

» Screen mirroring

» Network capable GUNT software

» Web Access Box as an accessory


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E Learning 01

Extensive multi-media didactic materials from GUNT on the laboratory experiments is available online. This enables students to prepare specifically for the laboratory experiments at their external workplace.


This link takes you to the free » E-Learning courses.


Thermal process engineering - remote and digital


Rectification in detail

with CE 600


Rectification is an important thermal separation method in industry for separating homogeneous liquid mixtures, e.g. to fractionate crude oil.
With CE 600, GUNT developed a trainer that leaves nothing to be desired:


  • extensive experimental range with 3 interchangeable columns: bubble cap tray column, sieve tray column and packed column
  • device control with PLC, operation via touch screen or an end device
  • remote learning: real-time access via end devices enables lab experiments with sufficient distance


Click here to continue directly with the device description:
» CE 600 Continuous rectification

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Control engineering from basic to advanced


Digital learning in control engineering


On the subject of control engineering GUNT offers a variety of practical training options complemented by an E-Learning course and remote learning possibilities. Depending on the level of knowledge and training, different experimental units are available to support from the basic level through to challenging tasks.


1. Introduction to the topic with RT 010 - RT 060
The handy and space-saving devices are perfect for introducing students to the topic of control engineering. The combination of the real controlled system and software simulations offers a high reference to industrial applications and thus aids understanding.

» RT 010 Training system level control, HSI
» RT 020 Training system flow control, HSI
» RT 030 Training system pressure control, HSI
» RT 040 Training system temperature control, HSI
» RT 050 Training system speed control, HSI
» RT 060 Training system position control, HSI


2. Practice-oriented learning with RT 451 - RT 455
Mobile trainers with industrial components offer the possibility to enhance skills in a practical manner. The use of smart sensors provides an introduction to Industry 4.0.

» RT 451 Level control
» RT 452 Flow control
» RT 453 Pressure control
» RT 454 Temperature control
» RT 455 pH value control


3. Industrial scale for advanced users with RT 590
RT 590 represents the model of a complete industrial plant and thus offers maximum practical relevance. The plant combines four control loops in one unit and enables practical fault analysis on the basis of simulated typical faults.

» RT 590 Process control engineering experimental plant



GUNT Fluid Line - fundamentals of fluid mechanics


Remote teaching and learning


GUNT Fluid Line
GUNT offers the FLUID LINE series of innovative devices for the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. With the GUNT Fluid Line you can also carry out lab experiments: remote and digital.

How does that work?

Laboratory experiments are possible with sufficient distance via screen mirroring technology:

the experiment is carried out on one end device or directly on the base module. On the other end devices, such as notebook, smartphone or tablet, the experiments can be followed at a sufficient distance. Screen mirroring gives you access to ongoing experiments on up to 10 end devices.




Thermoline - fundamentals of heat transfer


Network-compatible GUNT devices

Online course and experiments on the fundamentals of heat transfer


GUNT offers the THERMOLINE series of network-compatible devices for the fundamentals of heat transfer.

What does network capability mean?
You have network access to ongoing experiments by any number of external workstations. This allows students at any workstation to follow and evaluate the experiments in the laboratory.


Please find further detailed information on the devices:
» WL 420 Heat conduction in metals
» WL 422 Heat conduction in fluids
» WL 430 Heat conduction and convection
» WL 440 Free and forced convection
» WL 460 Heat transfer by radiation


» further information




Assembly projects

Digital & innovative! Next generation assembly exercises

A completely new learning concept results from classical assembly exercises combined with interactive data and creates access to industry 4.0 understanding.

Get more information in the accompanying video, our » flyer, or check out our current assembly exercises directly.



» Spur gear MT 120

» Mitre gear MT 121

» Planetary gear MT 122

» Spur and worm gear MT 123


Valves and fittings:

» Pneumatically driven control valve MT 101

» Electrically driven control valve MT 102



» Piston compressor MT 141



» Gear pump MT 136


Of course, we would like to present the assembly exercises during an online presentation.

Please use the » contact form for this purpose.

Scan mit Modell

The GUNT Media Center serves as the platform providing digital data for tablet, PC or smartphone via the internet. Customers can access files and product information of selected products independent of time and place. The data includes CAD files as STP or DXF files as well as PDF files and videos.


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© G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH 2025 | No text or images to be used without the express written permission of G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH
