Manufacturing engineering
Familiarisation with different machining tools and processes

Various drilling tools: cutting geometry, incorrect cutter profiles
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with the key drilling tools used in engineering and their specific application
- investigation of cutting geometry
- cutting angle
- clearance angle
- incorrect cutter profile

Collection of countersinking tools: standard designations
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with the key countersinking tools used in engineering and their specific application
- applications of different countersink angles

Checking a hole with the limit plug gauge; various reaming tools
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with the key reaming tools used in engineering and their specific application
- checking a fit with the limit plug gauge

Teaching collection of traditional grinding tools and abrasives
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with typical abrasives and grinding tools used in engineering and their specific application
- investigation of
- grain / shape / material
- construction of grinding wheels
- discussion of areas of application

Familiarisation with different lathe tools (shape, application) and reversible carbide tips (cutting geometry)
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with typical lathe tools used in engineering and their specific application
- familiarisation with
- different lathe tools: shape, application
- reversible carbide tips (cutting geometry)
- discussion of specific examples of application

Familiarisation with various types of milling cutters
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with typical milling cutter types used in engineering and their specific application
- investigation of a milling cutter fixture
- discussion of specific applications for the various milling cutters

Measurement of feed force and torque
Learning objectives/experiments
- measuring feed force and torque at the cutting surface
- influence of rotational speed, rate of feed, lubrication and cooling conditions
- influence of the cutting geometry of the drill
- influence of the material being machined

Measuring the forces acting on a lathe tool; three-component force measuring device
Learning objectives/experiments
- measurement of forces in turning
- influence of rotational speed, rate of feed, feed motion, lubrication and cooling conditions
- influence of the cutting geometry of the lathe tool
- influence of the material being machined

Vice experiment: permanent deformation of flat bars
Learning objectives/experiments
- deformation experiments on flat sections
- measurement of the deformation force
- influence of bend radius, bend angle, material