Rotating machine elements are interconnected by way of couplings. A coupling exhibiting production or assembly faults generates machine vibrations which can be analysed to give an indication of specific faults or damage.
The PT 500.13 accessory set can be used to simulate various faults and investigate their effects on vibration behaviour. The properties of various coupling types can also be compared. The curved teeth, pin, flange and claw coupling types are investigated. The couplings are installed between the motor and the shaft. The PT 500.05 load unit will also be required to investigate the behaviour of the couplings under load.
The accessory setup is mounted on the base plate of the machinery diagnostic base system PT 500.
To measure and evaluate the experiment, the computerised vibration analyser PT 500.04 is required. It includes all the necessary sensors, a measuring amplifier and analysis software to record the vibration phenomena.